Are you still planning to take exams?
57% say “Yes in the fall”
Have you been able to stay on track this semester?
68% say “Yes”
How many hours did you spend learning and studying each day?
83% say 4 or 5 hours
Do you feel that you have fallen behind in your subjects?
36.3% say “Yes or Yes somehow”
What kind of support would like to have next fall? (Multiple choice)
25.5% = “Regular discussions about colleges and majors”, 19.6% = “General support to stay on track with everything”
What are you struggling with most? (Multiple choice)
3 most common were “Staying on track with college preparation”, “Staying positive”, “Staying off my phone”
What would have helped you to study or learn? (Multiple choice)
23.1% is either “It was easy for me to stay on track” or “More oversight from a teacher or advisor”.
Did you learn new material? (Multiple choice)
66.7% = “Yes, I am learning new material in my high school classes” and 16.7% = “I am learning new material on my own”.