Improving Remote Learning for Fall 2020

The abrupt nationwide shift to remote learning in March has faced mixed reviews from both students and faculty. Students have grappled with technology issues, mental health concerns, and a dislike for the online format as most said they felt online classes were not as valuable as in-person courses. As 44.7% of colleges prepare to begin the 2020-2021 academic year either fully or partially online, a new survey conducted by the Chronicle outlines ways in which colleges can be more successful with online learning. Professors say their greatest need is more professional development in online pedagogy, with better education tools/training following closely behind. Administrators have responded with investment promises, with 70% of administrators stating they will invest in faculty training, and 38% planning to invest in technology for students. Additionally, colleges are planning to emphasize communication, flexibility, and consistency throughout the fall semester for improved online delivery. For the details, refer to Inside HigherEd’s survey.

What Faculty Members Need Most to Teach Online

Source: Inside Higher Ed
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